The mid-term for this class will consist of two parts: a take-home essay and an in-class quiz.
The take home-essay (Due Oct. 10, 2017)
Based on our discussions and the questions you raise in your reading responses and in-class, I will craft and distribute prompts for essays that will help you to synthesize and better understand the course material. Mid-term essay prompts will be distributed in class on September 28, and your responses will be due in class on Oct. 10.
The in-class quiz (Oct. 10, 2017)
You will submit suggested questions to the Canvas forum by 8 am on Sept.26, and I will draw from these suggestions to develop the quiz portion. I may also include questions that you have not suggested, but fear not, for we will review for the quiz in class on the 28h, and the quiz will take place in class on Oct. 10.